At Davis Optometrists we pride ourselves on our clinical excellence. All of our Optometrists can advise you on the health of your eyes and answer your questions when you have an eye test.
Redefining the
Way We See
Our eye health pages contain general information about the eye conditions we commonly see, so if you're looking for help you should find the answer here. If you need specific or emergency help then mail us on info@davisopticians.co.uk or phone 01536 512792 and your optician will contact you. All patient consultations are strictly confidential, in accordance with GDPR.
Swift detection of signs of disease is vital; look at our information on retinal imaging. Screening will give you peace of mind as we can spot the earliest changes, ensuring fast treatment. We can offer you 2D retinal imaging or 3D retinal scanning, you can have imaging at any time, and your Optometrist will analyse your results.