High quality care for all
An important part of our service to patients is the work we do for the National Health Service. This includes sight testing and supplying glasses under the NHS voucher scheme.
We want to make sure that our patients are aware of the NHS Constitution. This was published on 21 January 2009. It was one of a number of recommendations in Lord Darzi's report 'High Quality Care for All' which was published on the 60th anniversary of the NHS and set out a ten-year plan to provide the highest quality of care and service for patients in England.
The NHS belongs to us all. The NHS Constitution brings together in one place for the first time in the history of the NHS, what staff, patients and public can expect from the NHS.
As well as capturing the purpose, principles and values of the NHS, the Constitution brings together a number of rights, pledges and responsibilities for staff and patients alike. These rights and responsibilities are the result of extensive discussions and consultations with staff, patients and public and it reflects what matters to them.
We have a legal obligation to have regard to the NHS Constitution and to demonstrate that we have done so in all our decisions. If you would like to look at the Constitution please go to the website on: www.dh.gov.uk/en/Healthcare/NHSConstitution/index.htm