Promoting Longevity For Our Community
After Care
When you purchase spectacles from us you are buying both the product and lifetime aftercare for them. Our dispensing team and optical laboratory will look after your glasses for as long as you have them, and are always on hand when you need them. After care is as important as your dispensing consultation to ensure that day to day your glasses are doing their job properly.
Call us to book a time slot for a complimentary adjustment or for a specs MOT. We also have a sonic bath for an ultra sparkly clean! Don't worry if you sit on your specs, or the dog chews them, or you fall asleep in them, we've seen it all before and we'll always put things right.
Many lenses, especially varifocals and vocational lenses have to be sitting in the right place to correct your vision perfectly, so come in for an adjustment if you think things have gone awry.
You don't need to wait. Stock nose pads, end tips and screws can all be replaced immediately and the vast majority are free of charge. We can also refill your 'bottle for life' Glaskar cleaning sprays at any practice.
The team can help with any queries about your eye care or additional glasses to suit your lifestyle needs - call us at any time.